We are a global community and share a strong common humanity.
Current 2019 Fellows
Aydın Ulu
As a future lawyer and activist for the rights of stateless people, I am fully motivated to be part of a positive change, firstly in my community.
Caleb Huffman
I am a student of power structures, political rhetoric, and global society with a passion for peace and justice.
César Arcaya Hernandez
Adversity taught me to be humble and to work hard; the water bends the steel, not because of its strength, but because of its constancy
Dorra Sayari
Arts and theater are powerful tools to bring about significant social changes in the world we live in
Edward Mbewe
The enemy is not the person from another tribe, country, or continent. The enemy is the hate that we have been made to inherit that blinds us from seeing the value that comes with peace and cooperation.
Elene Janadze
More than anything else I want to believe in Georgia’s democratization process with the goal of integrating into Western Institutions (EU, NATO).
Erin Lin
As a first fellow from Taiwan, Republic of China (ROC), I consider myself a global citizen.
Fizza Zaheer
I want to be involved in government or social-sector-led programs that aim to work specifically for minorities and marginalized people.
Günay Huseynalizada
To speak a language is to take on a world culture.
Halyna Moroz
I really want to be one of those fighters for truth and peace. I can be one of those young people building a new world
Ilya Pozdnyakov
I may come up with ways to mitigate the aftermaths of political agendas on Russia’s economic and social well-being through reasonable dialogue and cooperation.
Isaac James
The highest form of leadership I strive to embody is servant leadership.
Jonathan Mugisa Basara
I’m lucky to have transcended cultural boundaries I did not choose and help others do the same
Joshua Emero
I believe conflict resolution is possible only when diplomacy is involved and all parties involved are equally represented and truly heard.
Julius Kaliisa
I aspire to be the youngest Rwandan youth in Parliament and maybe later a diplomat.
Mayara Cruz
I aim to unite my passion for innovation and my sense of duty in solving conflicts around the world.
Saadman Rahman Chowdhury
It’s best to act upon solutions instead of just feeling bad about problems.
Samuel Ashaolu
Finding “the heart of a leader, earnestly ready to see my community rise and flourish.”
Shivranjani Gandhi
I realized I had the capacity of become a change-maker.
Sol Santos
I believe innovation is a way of looking at reality.
Ștefania-Felicia Pavel
My knowledge is a constantly perfectible resource that can be used to help others.
Tatev Derzyan
I have dedicated my career to combating ignorance and xenophobia with the “soft tools” of education.
Timothy Tung
We all have a part to play in this world. Chinese proverb: “Do not think any virtue trivial and, so, neglect it.”